Glass Repairs – What are the Causes of Window Glass Cracks

Glass is fragile so we expect a break from time to time. An accident involving broken glass can be quite dramatic, drawing immediate attention to the incident.

Cracks in the window glass, on the other hand, are a little stealthier and may creep up on you. Cracked or broken, you’ll have to arrange for a glass repair or you may choose to replace the window glass yourself.

 We explain the causes of window cracks below:

What caused that crack in your window?

When most of us think of window glass damage, we picture a strike by an object like a ball or stone. Yet, this is, by no means the only source of window glass damage.

Aging frames - in older houses where window frames are aging and the glass is fragile, cracks may happen quite easily. Even opening and closing the sashes can cause a crack. If this is the case, you may have to consider window replacements

Impact - An impact crack, the result of a knock by a hard object is usually easy to recognize. You should see a center point, the impact zone, with radiating cracks

Thermal stress cracks - Though not common in warmer climes, thermal stress on the pane can cause the glass to crack. This type of damage happens most often on large windows that are partially shaded. They can also happen when it’s really cold outside and rather warm inside. A stress crack is usually very small and close to the edge of the glass. The crack will grow with time

Pressure cracks – Though they seldom happen, pressure cracks are most common on double pane and insulated glass. These cracks are hourglass-shaped and they’re caused by severe changes in barometric air pressure.

If your window glass is cracked or broken, give us a call, and we’ll send out the experts in glass repair.

To know more about glass repair please stay with our


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