Santa Clara Area Window Glass Repair or Window Replacement Guide

Believe it or not, Santa Clara area window glass repair is usually smarter than replacing old windows, especially if energy savings is the goal. One of the worst mistakes homeowners make is, believing the cost of Santa Clara area window replacement is worth the money, because of energy savings they provide. New windows are not the best way to reduce energy bills. Sealing all of the home’s air leaks provides a bigger impact.

If saving energy is not the sole reason for wanting Santa Clara area window replacements, consider this guide to repairing or replacing windows. New windows may reduce the selling price of a home having vintage features.

Windows with Rotting Wood

Rotten dividers, sashes, and frames that allow air leaks and water into a house are a problem. Wood deteriorates when it is incorrectly painted or primed, insufficiently seasoned, or consistently exposed to humid and wet weather. Sprinklers, blasting windows, can also cause rot.

The amount of rot determines whether Santa Clara area glass repair or window replacement is called for. Small areas can be patched with epoxy that costs about $25. For $250, plus materials, a rotten wind sill can be replaced. Rotten frames require removal of the window and rebuilding. 

It would cost between $300 and $700 to have rotten frames repaired. A Santa Clara area window replacement costs about the same amount and is the probably a better choice. The advice here is to repair spotty damage and replace thoroughly rotten frames.

Santa Clara Area Window Glass Repair or Replacement of Chipped, Scratched, or Cracked Panes

The cost of repairing a window pane damaged by abrasive cleaners, storm damage, or a child’s baseball has three components. Replacing the glass, costs between $3 and $14 per square foot. The cost of installing glass runs between $100 and $300. Sash replacement costs between $40 and $250. It is probably wise to replace vinyl windows because of their economical price. Multi-pane, aluminum-clad, or vintage windows cost $500 or more to replace. Repair is probably the better option for those types of windows.

For further details about santa clara area window glass repair and santa clara area window replacement please visit the website.


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