5 Signs of a Poor Window Installation

New windows make a home look better and make it more energy efficient. If the window installation is done incorrectly, however, it can turn a costly investment into a huge waste of money. Here are five signs your home’s windows may have been installed incorrectly.

1. Sub-par Appearance

Your new windows should be stunning. They should be level and there should be no gaps anywhere. The windows should be clean as well. If you notice anything that’s not aesthetically pleasing, let your installer know immediately.

2. Difficult Operation

New windows should never be difficult to open, close, or lock. As soon as the installation completes, test each window for ease of operation. If you find any of their functions troublesome, let your installer know right away as the issue will only get worse with time.

3. Drafts or Excess Noise

The nice thing about new windows is they get rid of drafts and cut down on outside noise. If your feel drafts coming from your new windows or outside noise seems the same whether the windows are open or closed, the installation was not done correctly. Don’t ignore this issue as it will cause an increase in your energy bills.

4. Condensation Between the Panes

Double-paned windows have a gas between the panes of glass to help insulate the window. Over time, the seals around the panes can wear, allowing the gas to seep out and moist air to seep in. This causes condensation (fog) to appear between the panes. While this is a common problem with old windows, it should not happen so quickly after a new window installation.

5. Poor Caulking

The caulking around your new windows helps seal them against the outside elements. Unfinished or broken caulking can allow water to seep into your walls. If the caulking around the windows is poor, it’s a sign your installer may have taken other shortcuts as well.

Poor window installation is unacceptable. If you notice any of the signs above after your new windows have been installed, contact your installer immediately to rectify the situation.

To know more About window installation hayward and window replacement hayward please visit our website.


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