How to Replace Your Window Glass

Every parent remembers that sinking feeling that comes with the unmistakable sound of glass breaking. What’s happened now? Has someone been hurt? More often than not, all is well, it’s just a stray ball that has flown through the window glass. You have two choices, do the window repair yourself or call in the window repair man. When it comes to window repair all windows are not created equal. It is easier to repair a small pane in a vinyl window frame than in a wooden frame. Make sure that you have heavy gloves and eye protection before you start the repair job. Your Guide to Window Repairs Remove all glass shards from the frame. You may have to make additional breaks with a small hammer to facilitate the removal. If the glass doesn’t come out easily, make a grid across the pane with duct tape. Then use a chisel and heat gun to remove the putty from the frame and remove the glass in one piece. You’ll have to do a good job of removing everything including steel anchors, glass, and putt...